1. NAME: The Society shall be called ”The Beaulieu History Society”.
2. AIMS: The aims of the Society are: to stimulate and increase interest in the history of Beaulieu and the surrounding area, to promote original research, to become a centre of information and publicity and to encourage the other advantages and benefits usually associated with a Society.
3. MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to all interested in the aims of the Society. Any person shall be considered a member on payment of the annual subscription. A person shall cease to be a member of the Society if the Committee for good reason decide to remove his or her name from the list of members.
4. COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS: The Society shall be administered by a Committee of not less than three members elected or re-elected by the members of the Society at each Annual General Meeting. The members at each Annual General Meeting shall in addition elect or re-elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer ,all of whom shall ex officio be members of the Committee. The committee may co-opt any member of the Society to become a member of the Committee. Any member so co-opted will be eligible for election at the next Annual General Meeting
5. NOTICES: Not less than 14 days notice of each Annual General Meeting and of any Special Meeting shall be given to all members whose subscriptions for the preceding or current year have been paid in full.
6. SECRETARY: The duties of the Secretary shall be to record proceedings of the Society and to report thereon at each Annual General Meeting, to conduct general correspondence to issue all necessary notices of meetings, to preserve all books, papers and documents which are the property of the Society and generally to carry out the instructions of the Committee.
7. TREASURER: The duties of the Treasurer shall be to collect, receive and have custody of all subscriptions and other monies which may be payable to the Society and to pay out all such sums of money as may be authorised by the Committee. The Treasurer shall also keep an account of all funds received and expended and shall report thereon to the Committee from time to time and shall at each Annual General Meeting present a summary of receipts and payments during the preceding year on 31st December. An independent auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.
8. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE: No person who is not a member of the Society shall be eligible to hold office or to be a member of the Committee. The members of the Committee retiring at each Annual General Meeting shall be eligible for re-election. Any member of the Society may nominate a candidate for election to the Committee by giving to the Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting the name of that person accompanied by his or her written indication of willingness’ to stand for election. All proposals must be duly seconded by a member.
9. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: The annual subscription shall be fixed at each Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Committee or at a Special Meeting convened under rule 10 and shall be payable on joining and afterwards on 1 January in each year.
10. MEETINGS: The Annual General Meting shall be held on or before 31 December in each calendar year. Ordinary meetings of members shall normally be held not less than four times a year. Special meetings of members may be called by he Committee or at the request of 6 members for the purpose only of dealing with the special business stated in the notice convening the Special Meeting. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. If both are absent, members present shall elect a Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
11. QUORUM: At the Annual General Meeting four, and at any Special Meeting eight, ordinary members other than members of the Committee shall be a quorum. At Committee meetings three, of whom one shall be an Officer, shall be a quorum.
12. NON-MEMBERS: The Committee may decide to permit the attendance of non-members at a particular meeting and may fix a fee for such attendance.
13. ALTERATONS OF RULES: No alteration of these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at any Special Meeting convened for that purpose, after notice duly given to the Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the meeting. The votes of two thirds of the membership present and voting shall be required for the approval of any alteration to these rules.
(Note: This text is retyped May 2021 copying old poor quality scan of the original)