Extracts of interviews recorded in September 2013
The BHS committee have been working with members of the Society to record their recollections of life in Beaulieu for the BHS Archive. This evening we will hear eight of those recordings, each one edited to about 5-6minutes. These stories cover a 50 year span from the 1930s to the 1970s. Ralph will introduce each recording .
We begin with the early 1930s. . .
- Track 1 -Lady Anne Chichester; Visits from Royalty - Lady Anne Chichester remembers some very special visitors to Beaulieu one summer. Her future step-father, the Hon. Captain Pleydell- Bouverie was the Commander of The Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert, on board the yacht for Cowes week were the Royal party including King George V and Queen Mary.
Lady Chichester takes up the story. . .
You will have heard Lady Chichester talking about her Mother Pearl out on the Beaulieu river in her scow Moti; she later gave her scow to young Robin Simpson, the son of the Palace House Butler.
1940. . .
- Track 2 - Alan Humby; Farm Animals & WWII - Next we have a recording from Alan Humby, who we all know has the best rhubarb and the best woodpile in Beaulieu. Alan first describes the early days
of the war when his Father was a Forest Keeper and had a smallholding at Kings Hat. He then describes an incident that happened at Ipley Cross on April 1st 1940! The group photo is of the Beaulieu Youth Club which met at Abbeygate Cottage, the Vicarage.
1946. . .
- Track 3 - John Beaumont; Holiday on the River - John Beaumont describes a holiday with his family which gave him his first sight of the "enchanting" Beaulieu river.
1944. . .
- Track 4 - Robin Pleydell Bouverie; Wartime, Car Rallies, Royalty & Sailing - We have chosen two stories from Robin Pleydell-Bouverie's recordings. The first are his memories of D-Day in June when he was at Palace House with
his Mother, Pearl. Then the only mention we have of vintage cars is a story that Robin tells us about a car rally he undertook with Lord M in the 1970s, to
Istanbul. He finishes with an additional comment on Lady Chichester's reminiscences of Royal visitors
1950's. . .
- The 1950s, the dawn of the Elizabethan Age; the Festival of Britain, the Lords and Ladies of Beaulieu depart for the Coronation in their robes. This was the decade when Lord Montagu brought a renaissance to Beaulieu with both the opening of the Motor Museum, and the introduction of a summer Jazz Festival, the precursor of all summer music festivals; tourism had arrived in Beaulieu!
1960. . .
- Track 5 - Olive Badland & Alison Shelly; Beaulieu Estate - In 1960 Mrs Badland took up a position running the Estate Office then situated in the Art gallery on the High Street and Allison Shelley, a teenager at the time, had the position of Groom at Palace House. Ken Robinson discusses those days with them.
- Track 6 - Ken Robinson; Beaulieu Village - The tables are now turned on Ken and Emma Page asks him to describe the Village High St as he remembers it in the 1960s. Ken was at that time the (General Manager of the motor Museum?)
1960 . .
- Track 7 - Ian Strathcarron; Summer on the River - 1960s lan Strathcarron. The BRSC is going from strength to strength and many of today's sailors were being taught by Bunny Borthwick. Ian Strathcarron describes one summer at his parents' home at Otterwood.
NB from Ralph? "Both my parents and my Grandmother enjoyed waterskiing".
1970's. . .
- Track 8 - Helen & Ross McGinn; Beaulieu School - Beaulieu primary school in 1977. The school comprised 64 children and two of those young pupils were Ross and Helen. They describe their school memories, they are now of course Mr & Mrs McGinn junior!
As a footnote Robin Simpson, whose Grandmother attended the school in 1881, told us that he always remembers how many yards there are in a mile thanks to Mr Monckton, the Head teacher, who showed them the inscription on Beaulieu cottage, 1760!
Thank you so much to all those who agreed to be interviewed and to the interviewers: Gillian Strathcarron, Jane Rowland, Emma Page, Ken Robinson & Gill. We do hope this will be an ongoing BHS project where many more of you will join in. Most of all a huge thank you to John Pemberton for downloading and editing the several hours of recordings for us. & to RM......